Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meeting April27/2010

April 27,2010 J Hiltz, Wilson, Paul, Leo, Robert

Jim brought his jewelery box, which was turned, inside and out.
Leo Demonstrated how to turn the end piece so that it can be fit in properly.
A jig is made from a plywood rectangle.
A plywood disk the same size that your end piece needs to be is roughly turned and then screwed to the end of the rectangle.
The sander is used to sand the disk to the finished size.
This disk is then finished by glueing a piece of sand paper to it.
This will provide a friction grip for your work-piece, which is placed on the jg and sanded to the exact fit.
The job is done in two half-circles.

Leo also demonstrated how to do a “serrated” effect on a bowl.
The bowl is rough turned.
A burr tool is used to create a band of serration around the top.
The lathe speed has to be very slow to allow this.
Then rub a dark brown stain into the serrations.
Allow to dry and then turn the bowl making clean edges on the stained band.
Apr27/10 Meeting

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Minutes-April 13,2010

Attendance: Miles, Paul, Rick, Chris, Lawrence, J Hiltz, J MacLean, Roy, Wilson

Leo has nearly finished the Lathe set-up for making the end grain plates. He demonstrated how the plates were turned down to a final thickness of about half inch.

Learning point: Buy 5-minute epoxy at Dollar Stores very cheaply. It can be used to fill defects. Use oil paint..just a tiny dab...to color the filler.

Jewelry box cylinder: make the staves at least 7/8 thickness; glue them into a circle. Leo discussed various ways to do the assembly so as to be able to separate the two halves easily. Cut a recess on booth inside edges to allow the end pieces to fit in.

Discussion on how to use the Vernier. Click the link to learn how to use it!

Discussion on bit sizes: units, letters, numbers. Use the vernier to get an exact measurement of the end of the drill bit when the information is worn off the other end.

Paul and Jimmy MacLean has a short inservice on the interpretation of the EKG>
