Tuesday, April 26, 2011


April 26/11

Rick, Paul, Robert, Miles, Lawrence, Wilson, J Hiltz, J Maclean,Naq

We discussed the fall show;
Date Nov 4,5,6
Sunday 12-5

We discussed insurance.
Decided to create an entry flier saying Enter at your own risk, Children under care of adults, Do not touch machinery etc

Leo agreed to do a large platter out of a figured Maple blaock which Paul brought along.
This will be donated to Hospital Foundation to sell tickets. Draw to take place at the show.
Leo took a look at the McNaughton coring system.
It needs some figuring out as to how it works.
Leo demonstrated methods for makin a bowl from wood, leaving the bark on.
Pictures tell it all.
Masonary bond (an Acrylic was used on the bark side of the piece.
He showed how to drill holes for legs..using three legs to support the piece.
Leo discussed modifying the steady rest which we made last year, with O-rings to lessen vibration.
April/11 Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coring meeting

Paul, Wayne, Rick, Dan Omoto (guest), Chris, J Hiltz, J MacLean, Mike, Wilson, Lawrence, Robert

We discussed the birdseye bowl project again.
We have eight large blanks.
The total cost of the log was $250.00.
Paul invited members to speak for a blank and Leo suggested that those who want one must do the coring procedure.
The cost per blank would be $32.00. This should yield three good bowl blanks.

The result was :

J Hiltz-2 blanks
Rick-1 blank
Lawrence-1 blank
Leo-2 blanks
Chris-1 blank

Paul discussed Norm Smiths wood, which is for sale @ $250.00
This includes a good supply of wood including burls, boards, logs and is well worth the cash (according to Paul). We had at least four takers who will by and divide the wood.
Paul will purchase the wood and we will divide it up as need be.

Leo went over the layout for doing the coring procedure on the large bowls.
One has to measure the diameter and depth of the bowl to begin with.
Then, lay out a drawing on large cardboard and trace the arcs needed to core out concentric bowls in order to get usable material.

Leo expects everyone who has a blank to do this drawing for next meeting.

Rick announced that we will have a business meeting next Tuesday evening to cover
upcoming issues:

Medical Arts Building
336 Kings Road Sydney
(Across from the old St Rita Hospital site)
7 pm April 19/11
Top of the staris
Dr. Paul Murphys office

Sunday, April 10, 2011

work meeting

Paul and medical resident Dan Omoto spent the morning at leo's preparing the last of the birdseye blanks for coring.

We learned a lot of how to to use the cross slide mechanism.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Work meeting

Jim Hiltz, Paul, Rick and Chris met at Leo's to complete the preliminary turning of the birdseye logs so that we could get on with the coring process at Tuesday's meeting.
All eight pieces are now done.