Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012

Miles, Chris, J hiltz, J MacLean, Rick, Brian, Mike, Peter, Paul

Leo discussed the layout for turning the spindles, i.e the drawing  that should be used to make a series of identical turnings.
He then turned to the morticing machine and demonstrated how to set the morticer up and align the wood, how to insert the bit and how to prevent splitting of the chisel.
He then showed us the technique of hand embellishing the legs by using a hook knife made from a file and a steady rest on the lathe to carve out flutes. An indexing system is needed for the lathe so as to get evenly spaced flutes.
Interlude: He showed us how to use dovetail glue joints to make a strong frame from thin stock. The drill press is used to drill out half circles on the ends of the joints and the holes filled with a spline and epoxy.
Using a router to make flutes leaves burn marks at the ends of the flutes. Use a dark stain to fill the flute and contrast with the rest of the leg. Salad bowl Finish is sprayed on the leg first ( 2 coats and into the groove). Then the dark stain is applied into the flute using a felt brush. Wipe off the edges of the grooves with a cloth.
(Buy a ladies felt hat at Value Village and cut it up!)
Hint:  Heating the salad bowl finish and the wood is a good way to get the finish to take quickly and prevent running.
Leo says to go slowly with the table. We will use hide glue for the joints!

Table project

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Table continued

Peter, Mike, J MacLean, J Hiltz, Chris, Paul, Brian Harpell, Rick

 Leo says:  use a sharp marking knife to scribe lines eg on the legs to mark off the pommel length (the top square part of the legs) : bring the scribed line around all four sides. Then place masking tape along the edge of the line. This can help prevent split out when cutting the tapers. Use a sharp skew to cut the pommel edges and bring the blade of the skew in perpendicular to the cut if you want a square cut finish. Leo went through the marking method to mark off where the mortices will be cut.

 See photos.

 For next session have all four legs ready for marking and drilling mortices. Leo showed how to properly sharpen a carpenters pencil.
Table project