Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pot Pourrie night

Appril 22,2014
Jim Hiltz, Jim Maclean, Rick, Miles, Wilson, Chris, Paul

1 Jim MacLean brought in several agate stones and gave each of us one for the burnishing work on the vase.

2 Leo went through how to re-sharpen the end of a square drive bit or screw driver using the bench grinder. The trick is a small square block with a set screw in the center to brace the bit. Then bring each side into the side of the grinding wheel, rotating to do 4 sides Then use the square block to bring the tip into the edge of the wheel and rotate it four times. Use a light touch and keep it cool.

3 Leo went through the gold leaf technique a bit more. When you put the fish glue/sizing mixture into the groove, let it dry and then sand out the groove up to 2000 before applying the gold leaf. Dab water into the groove with a brush and then apply the gold leaf. Rub it in with your fnger. It will stick to the sizing because the water melts the fish glue a little.

4 Jewelery box project:

Use a knife or veneer saw to cut the veneer: 6 3/8 long by 5 1/4 wide

Place the pieces in hot water for 10 minutes or so so that they become plyable

Put the piece in the bending jig and clamp

After 5 to 10 minutes remove and use elastic or a small stick jig to retain the shape until the wood is dry. See the photos on the blog .

The small sticks needed are:

2 pieces 5 3/8 long x 1/2 inch wide x 3/16 thick

2 pieces 5 1/2 in long x 1/2 in x 3/8 in: theses are profiled. See the photos on the blog.

2 base pieces 2 1/2 inches long x 1/2 wide , also profiled

1 handle piece 2 1/2 inches long , proofiled like a bow tie!
Leo let the members take home the bending jig to make a few more pieces and we will pass it along to each other.