Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Arno,Paul Rick, Jim Hiltz, Jim MacLean, Shawn,Keenan

The new members practiced making coves on the spindle lathe using various cutters: scraper, gouge, and skew.

Leo discussed making the heavy duty tool rest for hollowing out a vase and the older members plan to work on making this device. (Also Paul, one of the younger members, wants to make one). We need some plate metal welded into an "L" shape and a rod to mount into the tool rest holder for each persons lathe.

Leo discussed his new method of mounting a vase on the three-jaw chuck. He manufactured a sturdy screw mount from a large threaded rod that fits into the 3-jaw chuck. The jaws are reversed and then tightened into the rod which is itself screwed into the end of the blank. This creates a solid hold--better than the usual chuck mounts. He decided to help make the needed components for this mechanism.

Rick volunteered to gather up the metal supplies for this project.

The steps involve:

Getting a length of threaded rod (cadmium coated) of suitable diameter for each person's chuck
Large nuts and washers
Drilling into the wood blank
Placing the threaded rod into the drill hole which is filled with epoxy ( i.e "casting" a threaded receiving hole into the wooden blank)
Drilling an escape hole adjacent to the main hole to let the epoxy out
(Parting agent and wax are applied to the rod so that it can be unscrewed once the epoxy sets)
Making a Tap to clean out the newly formed threaded hole

For the time being he advised we can use a Lag screw or Coach screw in the 3-jaw chuck as this is also a solid way to mount the blank for a vase.
Leo turned down the square heads of a few lag screws tonight to fit the various chucks that we brought in.
The images help explain what this discussion as all about.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Rick, Arno, Shawn, Paul, Jim Hiltz, Jim MacLean, Miles

The meeting was held at Jim MacLeans.

Rick reviewed the history of the "association" and we all reflected on the past sessions.
We discussed the upcoming year and tentative projects.

We settled on doing a simple shelf  using sliding dovetails for the brackets as  a good project for all of us, and the new members especially, as this re-inforces the need for sharp tools and Straight, Flat , and Square measurements. Also such a project will never be a redundant piece as we always need a shelf somewhere. There will be great satisfaction in a hand made shelf, no matter how small. The project will incorporate finishing issues as well so will be a beautiful initiative.

We reminisced on past projects and bragged a bit

The Craft Show at Leo's that we did ,  and the Proletariat display last year at CBU  were big hits with us all.

The new members seem to have an enthusiasm for woodwork that  matches the old timers so we look forward to a good year and hope that Leo's health and our own hold up.