Tuesday, September 11, 2018

John, Paul, Rick, Arno, Keenan, Shawn, Miles, Jim Hiltz

Paul worked on the vase project

Rick worked on his bowl

Leo discussed using shellac for finishing
Use 280 sand paper  and methyl hydrate to rub the dry shellac. The shellac will roll off a little. Keep rubbing this material into the wood to fill the grain.
Paint thinner can work as well.

Bring a piece of mahogany next session to practice finishing

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Fall Start: September 4/18

Paul, Jim Hiltz, Shawn, Robert, Arno, Jim MacNeil, Miles

Shawn brought the completed shelf project: sliding dovetail joinery: no glue or nails
Miles brought some wooden toys he made

Leo Helped Paul mount the vase blank, pine.
The blank was trued to some extent
A round was created near the tailstock end to place the steady rest wheels
A Machinist end mill was used to start a tailstock hole
Then gradually larger bits were used to enlarge the hole to a good depth
Forstner bits were used for  the larger diameters

Jim MacLean is selling a Lathe  with a duplicator