Attendance: Miles, Murphy, Leo, Rick, Lawrence, Jimmy MacLean, Jim Hiltz, Chris Caldwell, Roy Troke
Jim Hitz presented a letter that has been received from the Nova Scotia School of Crafts. We have been invited to host a display of crafts in the Lyceum on George Street in 2010. The display would be hosted for one month. It was proposed that each member have a few pieces to display. Another idea was to have a display on the evolution of a large bowl, starting from choosing the tree and working to the end creation. A slide show or video are other options. A display of curious tools was also suggested.
The membership agreed that we are interested and Jim will contact the School and submit our agreement. We agreed on the $25.00 submission fee.
Serious work has to be done toward this project.
Lawrence noted that we have a substantial bank balance and all dues are up to date.
The next item was a presentation of the new web page by Paul who stumbled through this haphazardly.
The next item was a presentation of the new web page by Paul who stumbled through this haphazardly.
People seemed to think that this is a worthwhile thing and that we should endorse it. Each member had an opportunity to play around with a computer terminal to see how to navigate through the site.
Paul demonstrated the elements of the page, how to navigate through it, and also went through (rather quickly) the development side of the page. The good thing is that the whole thing is absolutley free. The template that is presently being used is good because it it easy to read (ie the color scheme), and if you click on the right hand bottom corner of your screen page , you can drag the page to the widest view that your screen allows and the page elements will expand to fit this.
This has great potential, including the possibility of making a few dollars if we permit advertising.
It also has the potential of allowing those of us who make a living out of our hobby to advertise their work.
We need ideas on what elements to include on the site, such as:
links, posting items, gadgets, tools etc.
Please let Rick or Paul know by email what you would like.
For the time being the administration of this site was left to Paul in order to avoid confusion and haphazard altering of the main elements of the web page.
Send Paul pictures by email that you would like posted.
Also let Paul know if you want your "bio" changed. The present information is just a test start. Ideally it would be nice to have a short bio on each of us with some interesting background information..stuff that you don't mind being on the world wide web.
Next meeting is this upcoming Tuesday, March 10/09.
Let me know if I should change this posting my good lads.
Also I am anxious to get some photos from Chris.
The presentation was a good in that it created an awareness of the site and its possibilities. As in woodworking there is a wide range of computer abilities.Patience and time.Great potential!
Thank you Rick
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