Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Minutes..May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

Attendance: Paul, J Hiltz, Rick, Wilson, Miles, J MacLean, Chris

We discussed the summer lobster party.

Paul would host this but can't until the latter part of August (by orders from Jo-Anne).

Those present felt that we could live with this agenda.

Leo invented a mechanical mechanism made of wood to use as a boring bar for the hollow turnings projects.

He went through the process of making it and then used it to turn the inside of the vase...Ricks. See photos for what the design is like.

Tip: When turning a thin plate, the piece will wobble as you turn the outside edge . To avoid this, turn the back first and finish it in the usual fashion; then reverse it; turn the outer 1/3 as thin as you want it, leaving the inner circle good and thick to provide substance to avoid wobble; then turn the inside.

Tip: A clutch can be used with your cutting tool to do a "facing", ie make a flat surface on the turning.:eg in facing a thin piece. This consists of a hollow ring (metal or wood) with a plate on the side of it about 3 or 4 inches long. The hollow in the center is just a little bigger than the gouge. When the side plate is squeezed, it secures the cutter tightly and provides rigidity to bring the tool across the workpiece evenly.

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