Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Table continued

Wayne, Peter, Mike, Rick, J MacLean, Miles, Paul, Lawrence

Leo discussed glueing up panels.Once stock is planed, stand the pieces on edge and clamp together with spacers for a week so that air can circulate and let them accomodate to the humidity equally and prevent a warp.

Once glued up, routing grooves on the underside invisible surface can prevent warp. (Don’t rout right out to the end of the panel however as then the groove will be visible on edge.
If you intend to profile the edges, leave enough width so that you can rout the end grain edge
( which results in tear out) and then rout the panel to final width and routh the other edges (with the grain).

Once the top panel is done and the legs profiled, next is to cut the aprons to fit the assembly. Apron ~4 1/2 inches wide. This allows 1 1/2 inchs top and bottom for the drawer to fit.
The tops of the legs are spaced differently from the sides and fonrt/back of the panel.
The distance on top is 3/4
Side is 1 1/4
See the photos attached to this posting for a better idea of what this means.

Leo discussed planes and plane blade angles of attack, cap iron sharpness.
The primus plane is the best for flattening a top. The blade is adjusted by tapping the plane. The ones with the knob on end to advance the blade are more tedious to operate.
He then discussed scrapers and how to use and sharpen them.
Remember to take the sharp corners off the cutting edge.
Hint: Don’t use diamond stones to sharpen ferrous metal blades.
It wears awary the diamonds.
Table project

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