Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Big Bowls !

Rick, Him Hiltz, Miles, Chris, Paul

Some People brought in large blanks for turning.

Leo discussed the various paints: House paint vs Artists Craft paint vs Airbrush paints.
The differences is in the size of the pigment granules which matter as to whether the lines get blocked up in the spray gun.

If you paint using the whiting/bond/paint approach, be sure to start the sanding with coarse grain paper or the result  is a finish that is uneven

Leo demonstrated a simple jig for drilling  a log on the drill press: see photos. The jig is usable as a small stool as well!

Leo demonstrated how to use a jig on the lathe to drill angled holes at even distributions (indexed)

Rick mounted his large bowl using the spider chuck but it was too big for the machining jig-he has to start it using  hand power and a big gouge
Leos'Ammonia finished bowls

Jig to find leg height
Drill press jig-Blank is screwed on from top
Angle drilling using lathe and indexer

Ricks Bowl
Drilling on lathe

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