Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rick MacDonald, Jim Hiltz, Paul Murphy, Miles MacDonald, Keenan Whalen, John O'Brien, Arno Raymakers, Shawn Raymakers

Shawn Raymakers was welcomed as a new member. Shawn is a carpenter who has done work in old home restorations.

Work continued on the cherry bowls.
Leo says that random orbit sanders are no good to power sand on the lathe. Start with #36 and progress up to 60, 80 etc. Cherry is especially hard to sand on the lathe.
Try to use a non-oscillating sander. The inside of the bowl has to be sanded with sanding jigs to be able to get under the lip of the bowl. Leo has special ones made of foam rubber, placing the sand paper on the opposite side from usual to accomplish the job.

Rick spend the night trying to core out a large bowl using the Oneway coring jig.

Leo spent some time on grinding and sharpening with the new members.

Paul suggested that a workshop on making sanding jigs and implements might be useful

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