Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Keenan, Paul, Rick, Jim Hiltz, Arno, Shawn, John

Leo is back in production!

Started with a demonstration of how to divide a line into a set number of equal parts. This is useful when you have  an odd length eg 6.75 inches that you want to divide into equal segments
Draw the line
Lay out another line above  at any angle
Mark the diagonal with the number of divisions you need eg make a mark every 2 inches until you have the correct number of divisions--in this case 7 segments
Use a bevel to connect the marks on the diagonal to the base line
Your line  will have 7 equal divisions

Rick worked on a bowl
Paul worked on placing small hinges for a novelty box, using the marking tool and chisel to remove the wood so as the hinge sets in perfectly.
A sharp marking tool is essential. Be sure the bevel of the marker is correctly orientated so that you get a sharp cut on the INDIDE of your hinge marks

Leo spent some time discussing Chucks and helping the others choose a chuck to suit their lathe

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